The Bible teaches that the ordained offices of the church are that of elder and deacon. As a Presbyterian church, Grace Community Church is governed by qualified and elected elders called the session. The deacons oversee the care of the physical church as well as the outreach and mercy ministries
Our Teaching Elder is Pastor Christopher Basile
Pastor Christopher Basile is a native New Jersey resident who grew up in nearby Somerville. Raised Roman Catholic, Pastor Basile came to know the truth of the Gospel and the Bible when he was a young teenager. As a result of being born again, he associated with Bible teaching churches and felt called by God to become a minister of the Gospel.
Christopher had always felt a particular burden for Somerset County to hear the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ and for it to have a deeper knowledge of God's Word. Christopher has been able to do that in different capacities at Grace Community church since 2010. He was ordained as its pastor in 2015.
Pastor Basile received his seminary training from Westminster Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological seminary. He is married to Esther and currently lives in Hillsborough. His passion is to advance the Gospel through the means of grace that God has established. That being, challenging and meaningful Biblical preaching, administering the sacraments, and demonstrating the love of the Gospel of Christ to the community as the only real eternal cure for sin in the world. He is happy to meet with and help anyone who senses their spiritual need of God's grace and wants to know the Lord better.
Our Ruling Elders are:
Rob KingDirk Smith
Our Deacons are:
Frank GravesPete Meyner
Steven Pirella
Stephen Webster
Bill Ziegler
David Meyner